
Articles Posted in Credit Score – Repair and Rebuild


Can I Get Credit After Bankruptcy?

Can you get credit after filing bankruptcy? Absolutely.  Will you have to wait for ten years to get a house or a car?  Absolutely not. Credit card companies will pack your mailbox with offers of credit.  They want you back in the system using credit cards and carrying a large…


Will My Bankruptcy Affect My Spouse’s Credit Report?

Mississippi is not a community property state and in most cases, a husband and wife are not responsible for each other’s debts. There are some exceptions, but they usually would only come up in a divorce or action between the husband and wife, not in a situation between the husband…


Get a free credit report once every 12 months.

The end of the year is a time when we start thinking about how the past year has gone, what went wrong, what went right, and what changes we need to make to ensure things are better in the new year.  When you are looking at your financial situation, it’s…


FCRA Gives Identity Theft Victims Specific Rights

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) provides specific rights to consumers who are or believe they are the victim of identity theft. If someone uses your name, Social Security number, date of birth, or other identification without the authority to do so in order to commit fraud, it is considered…

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